Wednesday, 22 August 2012


I think this will be my last post in Prague. Why? Because  I've left Prague. The end of my Erasmus, the end of the best year of my life. Here, I've grown as a person; I met incredible people; I learnt from this fantastic culture and country; I've felt (and I feel) as if I were at home, in fact, it's my second home. This experience will remain in my head forever, and it's something that everybody has to undergo. I have the feeling that this life in Prague has been a digression from my "real life". Like a dream. Like something I've imagined. Anyway, my name is Mery. I lived in Kolej Hostivar, specifically in budova 2, floor num. 8 :-D. I have written this blog because the first time I was in Prague I was very lost and I did not find anything that could guide me. And I thought: "The future students should have it". I hope this blog has helped you in many ways. I am really sorry for my writing mistakes, not only in English but also in Spanish, but I reached a deadlock that I was very lazy to correct all mistakes. I also want to tell you that I haven't written everything I've done/visited during my Erasmus, because I think you will be able to discover it by yourselves, for sure! And of course, I am sure there are many things that I haven't done and I really hope you do it!!!
I really recommend you to enjoy your new life here, [and that does not mean going to parties all the time] because it will be ephemeral.

At the beginning my blog will help you for sure, but it won't be enough. Nevertheless, no worries, Sandro and LuluErasmusOrgasmus(you will know who these guys are haha) will create many events for you in order to meet other people, and know better Prague, like the warm up, the traffic light party in Sasazu and so on.

It has been a pleasure to help you.

A   U ! !


Saturday, 18 August 2012


The inauguration of the Christmas Tree. You should go!!!!
La inauguración del árbol de Navidad, debéis ir!
L'inaguració del arbre de Nadal, heu d'anar-hi!

taken by a friend of mine

taken by a friend of mine

A short montage of clips that my friend made  over the course of the 1st semester of Erasmus.
Un corto montaje de clips que mi amigo hizo durante el primer semestre del Erasmus
Un petit montatge de clips que el meu amic va fer durant el primer semestre d'Erasmus

Thursday, 9 August 2012


I've had some problems with the previous shopping centre post, and I've divided it into two posts. Have a look further down!;-D

5)NOVY SMICHOV: It is in Andel. There is a huuugee TESCO.
Address: Plzeňská 8, Prague 5
Getting there: Metro B or tram 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14 or 20 to Anděl
Está en Andel. Hay un TESCO enoooormmeee.
Dirección: Plzenská 8, Praga 5
Cómo llegar? Metro B o tram 4,6,7,9,10,12,14,20 hasta Andel.
Està a Andel. Hi ha un TESCO enooooormee
Direcció: Plzenská 8, Praga 5
Com arribar-hi? Metro B o tram 4,6,7,9,10,12,14,20

6)SHOPPING CENTRE EDEN: It´s in Slavia. It´s really cool!
Address:  U Slavie 1527, 100 00 Praha 10
How to get there? Tram:  4, 7, 22, 24, 55, 57 and 59: tram stop SLAVIA.
Bus: 136, 135, 150, 213: Bus stop SLAVIA
Está en Slavia. Es muy guay!
Dirección:U Slavie 1527, 100 00 Praha 10
Como llegar?Tram:  4, 7, 22, 24, 55, 57 and 59: parada SLAVIA.
Bus: 136, 135, 150, 213: parada SLAVIA
Està a Slavia, molt xulu.
Direcció:U Slavie 1527, 100 00 Praha 10
Com arribar-hi? Tram:  4, 7, 22, 24, 55, 57 and 59: aturada SLAVIA.
Bus: 136, 135, 150, 213: aturada SLAVIA  

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


ONE LOVE TATTOO: I have a friend who got his tattoo in this shop. I'm very special with tattoos and I have to say that despite it wasn't my tattoo style, it looked great!!!
Tengo un amigo que se hizo su tatuaje en esta tienda. Soy muy especial con lo que se refiere a los tatuajes y tengo que decir que a pesar de que no era el estilo de tatuaje que me gustaba, se veía muy chulo!
Tenc un amic que es va fer el seu tatuatge en aquest lloc. Sóc molt especial amb els tatuatges i he de dir que tot hi que no era el meu estil de tattoo, era guay!!!!

Address: Tynska ulicka 607/5, Praha. (Behind Old Town Square)

AddressDlouhá 40, Praha 1, Czech Republic (In front of ROXY)


Flea market: An outdoors market where you can find antiques, curious things and second hand articles such as clothes, among other things.
Flea market: Es un mercadillo en la calle en dónde puedes encontrar antigüedades, cosas curiosas y artículos de segunda mano como ropa, entre otras cosas.
Flea market: És un mercadet al carrer a on pots trobar antigüetats, coses curioses i articles de segona mà, entre moltes altres coses.  (Namesti Miru Flea Market)  (Namesti Miru Flea Market)

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

For those who don't know it. I really recommend you to apply for the European Health Insurance Card. I post it because I've talked with friends who are going on Erasmus this year and they didn't know it!
Por aquellos que no lo saben. Os recomiendo que os hagáis la tarjeta sanitaria Europea. Lo posteo porque he hablado con amigos que se van de erasmus este año y no lo sabían!
Per aquells que no ho saben.Vos recomano que demaneu la targeta sanitària Europea. Ho escric perque he parlat amb amics que s'en van d'Erasmus aquest any i no ho sabien.


I have a shit as a light in my's difficult to see it.



During my Erasmus/ Durante mi Erasmus/ Durant el meu Erasmus:
Meeting point: Old Town Square, in front of the Clock, at 21.30
Sitio: Plaza vieja, en frente del reloj a las 21.30
Lloc: Plaça vella, davant el rellotge a les 21.30

BARS 10: Darling,I'll call you later.

I've never been but one friend of mine went and he told me it was pretty nice. So, why don't you try it? :-)
Address: Stepanská, 9. Praha 2
Opening hours: from Monday to Wednesday: 11-23h. Thursday: 11-24. Friday: 11-1h. Saturday: 12-24h. Sunday: closed.
Nunca he ido, pero un amigo me dijo que estaba bastante bien. ¿Por qué no lo probáis?:-)
Dirección: Stepanská,9. Praha 2.
Horario: De lunes a miércoles: 11-23h. Jueves de 11 a 24h. Viernes: 11-1h y los sábados de 12-24h. Domingos, cerrado.
Mai hi he anat però un amic meu me va dir que estava bastant bé. Per què no ho probau?:-)
Direcció: Stepanská,9. Praha 2.
Horaris: de dilluns a dimecres de 11 a 23h. Dijous d'11 a 24. Divendres: 11-1h i  dissabtes de 12 a 24. Diumenges, tancat.