Wednesday, 22 August 2012


I think this will be my last post in Prague. Why? Because  I've left Prague. The end of my Erasmus, the end of the best year of my life. Here, I've grown as a person; I met incredible people; I learnt from this fantastic culture and country; I've felt (and I feel) as if I were at home, in fact, it's my second home. This experience will remain in my head forever, and it's something that everybody has to undergo. I have the feeling that this life in Prague has been a digression from my "real life". Like a dream. Like something I've imagined. Anyway, my name is Mery. I lived in Kolej Hostivar, specifically in budova 2, floor num. 8 :-D. I have written this blog because the first time I was in Prague I was very lost and I did not find anything that could guide me. And I thought: "The future students should have it". I hope this blog has helped you in many ways. I am really sorry for my writing mistakes, not only in English but also in Spanish, but I reached a deadlock that I was very lazy to correct all mistakes. I also want to tell you that I haven't written everything I've done/visited during my Erasmus, because I think you will be able to discover it by yourselves, for sure! And of course, I am sure there are many things that I haven't done and I really hope you do it!!!
I really recommend you to enjoy your new life here, [and that does not mean going to parties all the time] because it will be ephemeral.

At the beginning my blog will help you for sure, but it won't be enough. Nevertheless, no worries, Sandro and LuluErasmusOrgasmus(you will know who these guys are haha) will create many events for you in order to meet other people, and know better Prague, like the warm up, the traffic light party in Sasazu and so on.

It has been a pleasure to help you.

A   U ! !



  1. We definitely would want to see you back. I've had the pleasure to follow your blog time to time and WOW.... what a great master work you have done here (the english is perfect, no worries!) - An authentic bible for the upcoming new students from now until God knows when!

    We are to definitely share it with many others and it would be a pleasure to see you back in Prague sometime, even though this is likely to be my last year in Prague as well but, there will always be one of us taking care of the legacy of your visit.

    Feel free to inbox me anytime and for the last time, sorry for the spam :P

    Have a great time back home and never forget what the experience taught you!


    Sandro on behalf of the whole team ;-)

    1. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Sandro. Your comment makes me feel really really happy.
      Hopefully I come to Prague again!! I really love this city!!!
      Your last year? what a pitty! but you have had a great time(sure), and you have done a great job with the Erasmus students creating events, making people knowing to each've been FANTASTIC, I really thank you!!!
      I would appreciate(also) if ye can spread my blog to the future erasmus students. i think it would be great;D
      I'll never forget what i've experienced here.

      Greetings, :D


  2. Thanks a lot in name of all future erasmus people for this fantastic blog!!

    This year will be my turn to walk trough prague streets, and I just expected to have a half of the incredible experiences you seem has had!

    For sure you enjoyed writting this, but, in addition, you're gonna help to many of us a lot with it! (so good complement for lonely planet guides... haha)

    If you allow me, I take the baton in Prague!
    (sorry for my english...)

    Muchísimas gracias en nombre de todos los futuros erasmus por este fantástico blog!!

    Este año me toca a mi recorrer las calles de Praga durante todo un curso, y sólo espero tener la mitad de las increibles experiencias que pareces haber tenido tu.

    Seguro que has disfrutado escribiendolo, pero además de eso nos va a servir de mucha ayuda a muchos! (muy buen complemento para las lonely planet! jaja)

    Si me permites, te cojo el relevo en Praga!

    1. Thanks Adrian!!!!!!!!!!
      I really wish you an amazing year in Prague!!!!
      Enjoy every moment, every time . While i was walking through the streets of Prague i used to think all the time "damm im in fucking Prague, walking through these marvellous places" trying to enjoy every minute, and now, maybe u'll think "that sounds shabby" but then, u'll feel what im writing to ye.

      and of course, if u have any doubt don't hesitate to contact me!! i'll be glad to tell ye everything!!
      BEST WISHES!!!!!

  3. Buscant una foto i entre una cosa i l'altra he acabat al blog després de molt de temps. No saps lo trista que m'he posat, o nostàlgica, no sé com interpretar el que he sentit després de tant de temps esforçantme en intentar evadir pensaments de Praga en general per deixar de comparar la meva vida a,b aquell moment. He vist tantes coses que no recordava que m'han fet pensar en tants moments i tantes histories!! iHem viscut tantes, tantes coses i tant increibles! com la típica vida que veus que té un extrany i que pots enjevar perquè penses que mai et passarà algo així, saps? Doncs tinc la sensació que aquesta vegada l'extranya afortunada he sigut jo. I et volia dir que em sento la persona més afortunada del món d'haver pogut viure tot això amb tu. Crec que la sort que vaig tenir de que ens fiquessin a la mateixa habitació, de treure el passaport ràpid de la bossa, dificilment la tornaré a tenir. I res, et volia donar les gracies perquè sense tu no hagués sigut el mateix i Praga a part de donar-me un dels millors anys de la meva vida també m'ha donat una amiga com tu per tota la vida. T'estim Meri i t'enyoro molt.

  4. interesting blog. i remember prague very well from my exchange, great place with great people. :)
