Monday 20 February 2012


After 5 months living in Hostivar, I took for the first time the train! (S9) AMAZING!! in 15 minutes you are in the center and viceversa. You have to stop in HLVANÍ NADRAZI. I think there are 3 stops from Hostivar(and viceversa), they don't tell anything from the megaphone. So you have to pay attention.(if you take an old train)

Después de 5 meses viviendo en Hostivar, cogí por primera vez el tren!! (S9)!!!! INCREÍBLE! en 15 minuticos estás en el centro y viceversa. Te tienes que parar en HLVANÍ NADRAZI. Creo que son 3 paradas desde hostivar (y viceversa), no dicen nada por el altavoz o sea que atentos!!( si es un tren antiguo)

Després d'estar 5 mesos visquent a Hostivar, vaig pillar el tren per primer cop!!! (S9)!!!! INCREÏBLE! en 15 mintets estàs al centre i viceversa. T'has d'aturar a HLVANÍ NADRAZI. Crec que són 3 aturades desde Hostivar (i viceversa), no diuen res per el megàfon per lo tant ATENTS!(si es un tren antic)

The timetables are hung in the lobby from Hostivar// los horarios están colgados en el lobby de hostivar// els horaris penjats al lobby de hostivar


  1. Hi Merry Way! this is good news for me that it only takes 15 mins. Would you know if the Monthly travel pass can be used on this train? or we will have to pay a different ticket :/
    Thank you,

    1. Hey Jojo:-) nice to hear from you again!
      The monthly ticket works with all the public transportation: bus, tram and train! So, you won't need a different ticket for the train!

      have a look to this post. It shows where you can buy the monthly ticket. But before you buy it, you need the ISIC CARD in order to show you are a student.Otherwise, you won't be able to have it! You will need, firs to go to your corresponding university and there, they'll do it.
      Hope this helps!
      Again, don't hesitate to contact me for other questions;-)
